
1st Color Of The Rainbow

What is a rainbow?

A rainbow is a magical arc of colors that appears in the sky when sunlight strikes the droplets of rain. This arc consists of 7 colors which are quite mesmerizing to encounter.

In other words, it is a scientific phenomenon that is caused by refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light in h2o droplets causing a multicolored spectrum of light that appears in the sky in the form of a semi-circular arc.

All of us accept most likely seen a rainbow arch at some betoken in our life but do you lot know what are the colors in a rainbow and what is the order of information technology?

There are so many misconceptions nigh rainbows and very footling is known about the bodily facts. Read this weblog to know all about rainbows – their color order, color codes, and a whole lot more!

Rainbow colors order

What are the colors in a rainbow?

There are seven colors in a rainbow. Although there are many colors present in a rainbow, only 7 of them are visible to the naked centre:

All colors in a rainbow - ROYGBIV
  • RED
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blueish

These colors can be easily memorized with the mnemonic – ROYGBIV, with each letter being the kickoff letter of each colour (R for Red, O for Orange, etc.). The mnemonic can be farther broken down into a simple proper name – Roy G Biv.

7 colors of the rainbow:

Now that we know the seven colors of a rainbow, let's dive a little flake deeper into these 7 spectrums of colors:


This is the outset or the uppermost color in the rainbow spectrum. Cherry-red has the longest wavelength among all the colors. This color falls under the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The spectrum actually is a huge ring of colors that are non visible to us.

RGB value: 255, 0, 0
HEX code: #FF0000

Red color in a rainbow


Orange is the second color from the top of a rainbow. This color is a combination of ruby and yellow. During sunset and sunrise, nosotros often become to see this colour in the form of an orangish-cherry-red hue.

RGB value: 255, 127, 0
HEX code: #FF7F00

orange color in a rainbow


This is the third colour from the elevation of a rainbow. This color can be achieved by combining ruby-red and green. Information technology is the outset secondary color in ROYGBIV.

RGB value: 255, 255, 0
HEX code: #FFFF00

yellow color in a rainbow


Light-green is the fourth color from the bottom and the top of a rainbow. This colour is situated in the heart position in the whole spectrum. It is a combination of yellow and blue. After blue, green is the second main color in ROYGBIV.

RGB value: 0, 255, 0
HEX code: #00FF00

green color in rainbow


It is the third color from the bottom and is quite easily recognized. It reminds us of oceans, skies, and our earth. It is too known as nature's color. Blue is the first chief color in ROYGBIV.

RGB value: 0, 0, 255
HEX code: #0000FF

blue color in a rainbow


Indigo is the 2d color from the bottom of a rainbow. This colour is quite difficult to see every bit it appears in a transitional state as a deeper version of blue. Information technology also enhances the color blue in the spectrum.

RGB value: 75, 0, 130
HEX code: #4B0082

indigo color in rainbow


This is the final or the lowermost color of a rainbow. Nosotros can become this color by mixing red and bluish. It is the ultra-fine specialization of low-cal, as it appears in the opposite position of red.

RGB value: 148, 0, 211
HEX code: #9400D3

violet color in rainbow

The basic club of any rainbow and its colour is always from red to violet.

The dazzler of rainbow colors

Kids love to meet the rainbow, and they oft try to predict that they might run into a rainbow on a item day when it rains. The anticipation makes it even more beautiful for children. Rainbow is often considered to be i of the most beautiful paintings of nature.

The ring of colors in the form of a semi-circular arch practice not fail to print anyone. This natural miracle is quite natural and rare. People oftentimes acquaintance rainbows with adept fortune. A rainbow is always considered a fascinating and colorful scenery.

Rainbows are an optical illusion similar a mirage and are formed when light rays curve striking the tiny droplets of water which creates an result that can exist seen through eyes but cannot be touched or felt. Rainbows can fifty-fifty exist seen in mist and fog, waterfalls, dew, etc

Do rainbows have an end?

Rainbows actually have no end. We might accept seen half semi-circles or an arch merely they are really total circles. A rainbow can be properly seen from a plane loftier to a higher place the ground.

What is a double rainbow?

A double rainbow is formed when a 2nd arc, much fainter than the principal arc appears in the heaven. This phenomenon occurs because of light reflecting twice inside the tiny water droplets. This double reflection results in the formation of a second rainbow on the exterior of the primary arc. The secondary arc has violet on the outer and cherry on the inner border.

What is a fogbow rainbow?

A fogbow is a type of rainbow in which the colors are much fainter than an actual rainbow. Fogbow rainbows are formed by clouds and fog droplets. Fogbows are larger than normal rainbows and much broader too.

Rainbows in ancient mythology effectually the world

Numerous cultures take been fascinated by rainbows from classical times. In this modern historic period, we are taught that these rainbows are merely optical illusions but humans have described rainbows in different ways through their folklores.

rainbows in mythology

The Siberian and Nordic traditions considered rainbows as a bridge to the afterlife and sky gods. The pre-Incan ancestors of Peru looked at rainbows every bit jaguars which were their bridges between heaven and world. In Hindu traditions, the rainbow was considered as the bow used past gods to shoot arrows of lightning towards earth which would ultimately kill the demons on earth.

The Aborigines of Commonwealth of australia legends rainbow as the creator of all forms of energy which was role of dreaming or endless time. Even Japanese cultures considered the rainbow as the creator of the world.

The Chinese looked at rainbows as the two-headed dragon which brought rain and clear blue skies. The Buddhists considered it as the symbol of the highest level of consciousness which preceded Nirvana. The Judeo-Christian folklore considered the rainbow as their protector from floods. In Celtic traditional cultures, the rainbow was the indicator of expert fortunes as they considered the rainbow to exist emerging from a pot of golden.

Rainbows are fascinating. Aren't they? In a much more philosophical sense, rainbows correspond hope – hope that life is colorful and cute!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why can simply sunlight requite Rainbow?

The sunlight that we run into in the sky is actually white light. White calorie-free is formed by the combination of all the other colored lights present in the Rainbow. And then when the sun'south rays divide during/subsequently pelting, it gives us the bands of all the colors present in it.

Why are there merely seven colors in the Rainbow?

At that place is an space number of colors in a rainbow but we just see the 7 colors (ROYGBIV). It comes down to the mode our eyes function. Fifty-fifty though a rainbow has a lot of colors, the cells in our eyes only reply to three: Cerise, Green, and Blue.

Why is the black color not present in the Rainbow?

The black color that we run across in the universe is the absenteeism of low-cal. As the rainbow consists of different colored lights, at that place is no zone where light is absent. Thus, black is not present in the rainbow as black exists in nature without any light at all.

Can I make white color combining all colors at home?

Definitely, yous tin. You can easily perform Newton's Reverse Rainbow Experiment to make white color by combining all the rainbow colors.

5. How tin can I brand a rainbow at home?

To make a rainbow at home, you merely demand to follow these steps:

  • Get concur of a glass prism from whatever stationary shop
  • Take large cardboard with a small discontinuity in it.
  • During daytime when sunlight is coming into your dwelling direct, place the prism and let the sunlight to laissez passer through the cardboard aperture by property information technology in the path of the low-cal
  • You volition be able to see a rainbow forming on the flooring of your abode

1st Color Of The Rainbow,


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